MTID Project Note, by Gashaw Tadesse Abate, Kaleb Bayeh, Alan de Brauw, and Kalle Hirvonen. Abstract: This pilot experiment aims to address the knowledge gaps on the nutrition and health benefits of fruits and vegetables
Can governments promote homestead gardening at scale? The case of Ethiopia
According to a new IFPRI blog post, eating fruits and vegetables can help ensure adequate nutrition and reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and obesity.
Affordability of fruits and vegetables in Ethiopia
ESSP Research Note 70, by Kalle Hirvonen, Abdulazize Wolle, and Bart Minten. Abstract: As in many other low-income countries, fruit and vegetable (FV) consumption is very low in Ethiopia. Consequently, micronutrient deficiencies, such as for Vitamin A, are widespread,