Changing climatic conditions and extreme weather events pose important risks for poor
rural households in Ethiopia
• Women may face different and/or exacerbated risks due to reduced access to financial resources,
limited livelihood opportunities, and norms that restrict adaptive behaviors
• Strategies to enhance resiliency to extreme weather realizations through sustainable land
management (SLM) practices may enhance soil fertility, water retention, and reduce erosion
• However, large-scale quantitative evidence is limited
• Findings from our baseline survey suggest that SLM practices are used in at least some
households and there are perceived productivity benefits of these practices.
• However, these practices are primarily used by men
• Time and labor constraints may prevent women from adopting time-intensive practices (e.g.
composting) or practices that require physical strength
• Alternatively, women may have limited information, as men often access information through their
participation in public works