A presentation on "The High and Rising costs of Animal Source Foods in Ethiopia: Evidence and Implications" was given by Bart Minten (co-authored by Fantu Bachewe and Feiruz Yimer) of ESSP at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) on May 30, 2017. They analyzed price patterns of Animal Source Foods (ASF) in the last decade (2007-2016) in Ethiopia, relying on a large-scale price dataset collected in 116 retail markets in the country. Real prices of ASF have been increasing in the last decade, between 32 to 36 percent for milk, eggs, and beef. This price increase is in contrast with staple cereals for which prices stayed at similar levels over the last decade. Given the large influence of prices on consumer choices in these settings, it seems that more investments and attention to the production of ASF and the livestock sector are needed as to reduce ASF prices, as lower prices would lead to higher ASF consumption and therefore improve nutritional outcomes in the country. Full details of this presentation are available here.
This presentation was organized by ESSP, EDRI and the Livestock Systems Innovation Lab. ESSP is a collaborative program undertaken by IFPRI and EDRI, whose objective is to help improve the policy-making decision process in Ethiopia.
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