The Ethiopian Development Research Institute (EDRI) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) are pleased to invite researchers to submit papers on the broad topic of inclusive growth in Africa. Accepted papers will be presented in an Expert Group Meeting to be held in Addis Ababa. The date will be announced soon. A modest honorarium will […]
Improved Evidence towards Better Food and Agricultural Policies in Ethiopia
ESSP II / IFPRI and EDRI organized the Conference 'Improved Evidence towards Better Food and Agricultural Policies in Ethiopia' on November 2, 2012, in the Hilton hotel, Addis Ababa. More than 180 people particpated in the conference. Dr. Paul Dorosh and Dr. Shahidur Rashid launched the book 'Food and Agriculture in Ethiopia: Progress and Policy […]
Third Round (2012/13 Academic Year) EDRI/ESSP II Competitive Research Grant
The Ethiopia Strategy Support Program II (IFPRI/ESSP II) and the Ethiopian Development Research Institute (EDRI) are pleased to announce the research grant competition for post graduate students in economics and related fields at Ethiopian Public Universities for the 2012/13 academic year. Documents required: (1) Application form. (2) A 5-page summary of the research proposal approved […]
Tenth International Conference on the Ethiopian Economy. July 19-21, 2012
Ethiopian Economics Association conducted the "Tenth International Conference on the Ethiopian Economy" with IFPRI/ESSPII from July 19-21, 2012 at EEA Conference Center, Addis Ababa. The conference was hosted for three consecutive days and more than 90 papers related to the Ethiopian Economy were presented. The conference was attended by more than 500 people. You can view the power point presentations from […]
Applied Microeconometrics Training (Regional)
ESSP II, EDRI and School of Economics (Addis Ababa University) held a two weeks training at the EDRI Conference Hall on Applied Microeconometrics from June 4 - 15, 2012. The training was organized for 35 regional university students and lecturers and was given by Prof. David Stifel (Visiting Research Fellow, ESSP II). The emphasis of […]