This research shows how basic living conditions have improved markedly since 2000, albeit somewhat unevenly, with urban areas witnessing the greatest improvements.
15th Annual Conference of the Ethiopian Economics Association
The Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA) International Annual Conference, co-organized by IFPRI-ESSP, was held on 20-22 July, 2017 in Addis Ababa.
The rising costs of nutritious foods in Ethiopia
Given the high prevalence of undernutrition among children in low income countries and the associated high human and eco-nomic costs (Hoddinott et al. 2013), improving nutritional out-comes must be an urgent priority.
National Forum on Agricultural Mechanization
In collaboration with IFPRI, the Rural Economy Development and Food Security (RED&FS) Sector working with the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources(MoNAR) organized a national forum on agricultural mechanization on June 10, 2017 at the Ethiopian Institute for Agricultural Research (EIAR).
The High and Rising costs of Animal Source Foods in Ethiopia: Evidence and Implications
A presentation on "The High and Rising costs of Animal Source Foods in Ethiopia: Evidence and Implications" was given by Bart Minten (co-authored by Fantu Bachewe and Feiruz Yimer) of ESSP