Since its inception, ESSP has been engaged in diverse capacity building programs with various government organizations. Particularly, ESSP worked closely with the Central Statistical Agency (CSA) and Bureau of Finance and Economic Development (BoFED) to provide training in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), spatial data analysis and spatial database management. Through this relationship, and in collaboration with the regional universities to host the training and to share materials, the services provided by ESSP has productively built capacity in spatial data handling, manipulation and dissemination.
For a better understanding and measurable medium-term impact of the regional GIS training program, ESSP conducted a survey more than 6 months after the training to assess knowledge transfer amongst the training participants. Over half of the respondents noted an impact on their performance using GIS, and importantly, the impact on the organization. Some issues were encountered largely relating to access to reliable technology. Nevertheless, the on-going use of the training materials and development of independent courses affirms the ease of use and practical nature of the materials, and which has undoubtedly facilitated the extension of GIS skills and capacity in academia and government agencies. This work has uncovered a requirement for further GIS training in the other regions. Download Outcome Note 1.